Investment Focus

Sustainable ESG investment opportunities as described in the United Nations  “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” – 17 goals and 169 targets created to end poverty, promote prosperity and well-being for all and protect the planet. We apply these goals and financial targets as the standard by which investments are evaluated. Image to the Left

Investment Criteria
  • Companies and organizations are able to demonstrate a direct and measurable ESG and financial impact.
  • Impact Investments in Development Stage Companies and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) are on the cusp of delivering well-designed products and services to a broad market.
  • A fully developed business model with customers, pricing, marketing, and distribution identified.
  • Revenue generating currently or within 12 months of funding.
  • Impact investments with the potential for 5X and $100 million value appreciation within 5- 7 years.
Investment Categories
  • Crypto Currency
  • Real Estate Mortgage Portfolio’s
  • Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, Clean Water
  • Environment, Climate Change, Water and Waste Management
  • Power, Renewable / Clean Energy
  • Healthcare, Medical Devices / Products
  • Hunger, Education, Dignity of Work, Developing Human Capital
  • Housing, Homelessness, Real Estate Development
  • Financial Services, Fintech, Digital Economy